Chauffeur Driven Coach Hire Service

If you are a travel agent organizing a tour in Prague or you travel in a larger group, you can hire a bus with a driver. The most popular transport include transfers between the airport and your hotel in Prague, sightseeing tours, excursions and transfers to neighbouring cities like Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Salzburg, Bratislava and Budapest.

Bus Transport From/to Prague Airport

Prices change depending on the number of drivers required, taxes, and customers’ special requests. Please get in touch with us for an exact quotation based on your requirements.

Please note that several hotels, primarily those in the historical centre of Prague, cannot be accessed by a large bus. In these cases, several minibuses or minivans must be used.

    2 max. 2 pc.
CZK 570 € 23.69 | £ 19.95 | $ 25.86
per car
Sedan (economy)
    3 max. 3 pc.
CZK 675 € 28.05 | £ 23.63 | $ 30.63
per car
Discount 10% for return trip
    4 max. 4 pc.
CZK 750 € 31.17 | £ 26.25 | $ 34.03
per car
    4 max. 4 pc.
CZK 895 € 37.20 | £ 31.33 | $ 40.61
per car
Minivan 4pax
Discount 10%
    4 max. 8 pc.
CZK 873 € 36.28 | £ 30.56 | $ 39.61
per car
Minivan 8pax
Discount 5% for return trip
    8 max. 8 pc.
CZK 990 € 41.15 | £ 34.65 | $ 44.92
per car
Mercedes E (special offer)
Discount 25%
    3 max. 3 pc.
CZK 975 € 40.52 | £ 34.13 | $ 44.24
per car
Mercedes V
Discount 20%
    7 max. 7 pc.
CZK 1592 € 66.17 | £ 55.72 | $ 72.23
per car
Minibus Sprinter
    20 max. 20 pc.
CZK 2890 € 120 | £ 101 | $ 131
per car
Minibus Isuzu
    30 max. 30 pc.
CZK 3490 € 145 | £ 122 | $ 158
per car
Lincoln TC120
    8 max. 5 pc.
CZK 3490 € 145 | £ 122 | $ 158
per car
Lancia Thema
    8 max. 5 pc.
CZK 3490 € 145 | £ 122 | $ 158
per car
Minibus Isuzu Visigo
    40 max. 40 pc.
CZK 4490 € 187 | £ 157 | $ 204
per car
Coach Mercedes Turismo
    49 max. 49 pc.
CZK 5490 € 228 | £ 192 | $ 249
per car
Cadillac Escalade
    15 max. 5 pc.
CZK 5990 € 249 | £ 210 | $ 272
per car
Hummer H200
    17 max. 5 pc.
CZK 5990 € 249 | £ 210 | $ 272
per car
Larger Coach
    59 max. 59 pc.
CZK 7490 € 311 | £ 262 | $ 340
per car


All of our bus service vehicles are top-notch in quality and maintained regularly. There are provisions for refreshments and various drinks while you are on the bus. If you need car seats for your children, just let us know, and we will gladly provide you with those. We offer various other facilities to ensure your satisfaction when travelling with us.

Bus Drivers

Drivers undergo driving safety courses regularly. They wear a uniform and speak English (some also speak a second language such as German or Spanish).

Bus Transport

Bus Transport

Bus Transport

Bus Transport

Bus Transport