PRICE PER CHILDREN (3-10 years): 590 CZK

Čeprav je Praga lepo mesto, ne glede na to, kateri del dneva jo občudujete, je ta še posebej očarljiva ponoči. Ko zaide sonce, utripanje lučk osvetli zgodovinske zgradbe v mestu, ki so najboljše vidne z reke Vltave, ki teče skozi center mesta.

Na našem praškem rečnem križarjenju boste potovali po Vltavi navzdol, mimo znamenitosti kot so Karlov most, praško Malo mesto, cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Praški grad in Narodno gledališče – medtem, ko boste uživali v odlični večerji in glasbi v živo na krovu. Večerja je bifejska in jo sestavljajo tople in hladne jedi, prejeli pa boste tudi pijačo dobrodošlice, ki je vključena v ceno križarjenja.

Po vkrcanju na ladjo vas bodo sprejele naše hostese, ki bodo skrbele za vaše udobje med križarjenjem. Hostese niso nadomestilo turističnega vodiča, kljub temu pa vam bodo zagotovile vsaj osnovne informacije o programu križarjenja in pomagale, če boste imeli kakršna koli vprašanja ali težave. Tam bodo tudi profesionalni točaji in gostinsko osebje, ki bodo poskrbeli za vas.



Vključno z bifejsko večerjo, aperitivom in glasbo v živo na krovu. Brezplačna vožnja iz vašega hotela med 18:10 do 18:25. Križarjenje se prične ob 18:50 in konča ob 22. uri.

Boat Departure Point

You can arrive directly at the embankment from which the boat departs. The boat is located between the Čechův Bridge and Šfefánikuv Bridge, closer to the Štefánikuv Bridge. It takes about 15 minutes to get there from the Old Town Square. The easiest way is to go down Pařížská Street, and when you reach the riverbank, walk down to the pier and continue to the right of Prague Castle until you see the boat marked with the sign CLASSIC RIVER. Please be at the boat departure pier at least 15min before boat departure time. If you booked transportation to the boat, the driver will pick you up directly at the hotel reception or at the given address.

Pogosta vprašanja

Are the boats heated or air-conditioned?

All our Prague boat trips take place on comfortable, well-maintained boats with built in air-conditioning as well as heating, so that you’ll be comfortable no matter what the season. You can also sit inside the boat if it’s cold, or outside on the deck on warm nights. Most of our cruises take place on the Classic River, Prague’s biggest holiday boat that can hold up to 400 people. The boat has been fully refurbished with a stylish wooden pub on the lower deck, and three sunny upper decks that are the perfect vantage point from which to enjoy the sunset.

Do I need to pre-book this cruise?

Yes. Due to our Prague river cruise’s popularity as well as the limited places on board, you’ll normally need to book in advance. Once you’ve booked, we’ll confirm your reservation within 12 hours. If you need to cancel and want a refund, be sure to inform us at least two hours in advance so you won’t be charged any cancellation fees.

How to get to the Prague boat trip departing point

When you book, you’ll have three options for getting to the pier from where the boat leaves:

  1. You can make your own way there.
  2. You can meet at the kiosk in central Prague, where a bus will take you to the pier (at no extra charge).
  3. You can book a private transfer with us so to pick you up (now included in our special offer – free) and drop you off at your hotel afterwards. We charge CZK 300 one way for up to four people, and CZK 400 one way for parties of between five and eight people.